1. Track your order
Once your parcel/s have been shipped from our warehouse, we will send you an email along with a link where you will be able to track the progress of your parcel’s delivery. If your parcel does not arrive within 5 working days of receiving this email, please contact our customer service team. You’ll also be able to track your order in your account by going to'’My Orders' and selecting the order you'd like to track.
Click the 'Track' button for items which have been shipped.
2. Check the estimated delivery date
You’ll find this date in your Order Confirmation email or by checking 'My Orders'.
Please remember that this date is an estimate, so your order may arrive before. If it looks like your order is going to be slightly late, we will notify you via email.
3. I’ve only received part of my order
We ship items as soon as they are in stock. If some deliveries arrive later, we will split ship your order so that you receive items as soon as possible. You will find the estimated delivery date for the remainder of your order in your order confirmation email.
4. I'm still waiting for my order
Has your estimated delivery date already passed?
Please check ‘My Orders’ for any tracking details. Please let us know if your estimated delivery date has passed and there are no tracking details available and we will do our best to help you.
Please note that if your item is sold and delivered by one of our trusted sellers, you will need to contact them directly using the 'Message' option under your order or open an incident 'Where is my order' from the dropdown menu.